Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by inadequate secretion of insulin or reduce sensitivity to secreted insulin or circulating antibodies to insulin leading to hyperglycemia & other biochemical changes.
Etiology: The exact etiology is unknown. It may be secondary to some viral infection damaging cells of Langerhans.
Pathophysiology: Depending upon the insulin levels insulin is divided into two categories. 1) Insulin-dependent diabetes or Juvenile and 2) Insulin-non-dependent diabetes or maturity onset diabetes.
I) Insulin dependent or Juvenile diabetes: It is believed to be auto-immune disorder. There is marked insulin deficiency and rapid onset.
II) Insulin non-dependent or Maturity onset diabetes: It refers to all other forms of the disease.
In diabetes, lack of Insulin result in hyperglycemia due to two reasons: 1) Under utilization of glucose by cells and 2) Overproduction of glucose by liver.
Vascular complication are also attributed to hyperglycemia. Formation of cataracts and neuropathy are thought to be due to metabolism of glucose to sorbitol by aldose reductase.
Hyperglycemia result in glycosuria, polydipsia, polyurea and dehydration.
Signs and Symptoms:
Type I diabetes: Onset is sudden & is characterized by polyurea, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, decreased muscle strength, irritability and bed wetting. There is keto-acidosis.
Type II diabetes: Sign and symptoms are usually similar to type I. Onset is middle age, usually the patient is obese and there is no marked weight loss. Other signs are similar to type I diabetes.
Complication are due to disturbances in carbohydrates and protein metabolism and biochemical changes.
1) Ketoacidosis, severe dehydration, oligouria & hypotension.
2) Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma and neurological manifications are common in type II diabetes.
3) Retinopathy haemorrhagis in vitrous lead to temporary blindness & scar formation.
4) Neurological changes involving peripheral nervous occur due to sorbitol formation or ischemia resulting in impotency gangrene and neurogenic bladder Benedict's test.
(1) Presence of glucose in urine.
(2) Blood sugar levels in fasting & after meals or GIT Test.
Etiology: The exact etiology is unknown. It may be secondary to some viral infection damaging cells of Langerhans.
Pathophysiology: Depending upon the insulin levels insulin is divided into two categories. 1) Insulin-dependent diabetes or Juvenile and 2) Insulin-non-dependent diabetes or maturity onset diabetes.
I) Insulin dependent or Juvenile diabetes: It is believed to be auto-immune disorder. There is marked insulin deficiency and rapid onset.
II) Insulin non-dependent or Maturity onset diabetes: It refers to all other forms of the disease.
In diabetes, lack of Insulin result in hyperglycemia due to two reasons: 1) Under utilization of glucose by cells and 2) Overproduction of glucose by liver.
Vascular complication are also attributed to hyperglycemia. Formation of cataracts and neuropathy are thought to be due to metabolism of glucose to sorbitol by aldose reductase.
Hyperglycemia result in glycosuria, polydipsia, polyurea and dehydration.
Signs and Symptoms:
Type I diabetes: Onset is sudden & is characterized by polyurea, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, decreased muscle strength, irritability and bed wetting. There is keto-acidosis.
Type II diabetes: Sign and symptoms are usually similar to type I. Onset is middle age, usually the patient is obese and there is no marked weight loss. Other signs are similar to type I diabetes.
Complication are due to disturbances in carbohydrates and protein metabolism and biochemical changes.
1) Ketoacidosis, severe dehydration, oligouria & hypotension.
2) Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma and neurological manifications are common in type II diabetes.
3) Retinopathy haemorrhagis in vitrous lead to temporary blindness & scar formation.
4) Neurological changes involving peripheral nervous occur due to sorbitol formation or ischemia resulting in impotency gangrene and neurogenic bladder Benedict's test.
(1) Presence of glucose in urine.
(2) Blood sugar levels in fasting & after meals or GIT Test.